@ ="3221 ="3224 Here is a table of all the productions. Each production that combines two or more consecutive scraps implicitly inserts a $ where necessary, that is, between scraps whose abutting boundaries have different |mathness|. In this way we never get double $$.

A translation is provided when the resulting scrap is not merely a juxtaposition of the scraps it comes from. An asterisk* next to a scrap means that its first identifier gets an underlined entry in the index, via the function |make_underlined|. Two asterisks** means that both |make_underlined| and |make_reserved| are called; that is, the identifier's ilk becomes |raw_int|. A dagger \dag before the production number refers to the notes at the end of this section, which deal with various exceptional cases.

We use
back and
bsp as shorthands for |indent|, |outdent|, |backup| and |break_space|, respectively.

=4pt =0 =2.5in & LHS & RHS Translation & Example &
any |insert| &
any & stmt; /*  comment */ & |exp| |lbrace| |int_like| |decl| & |fn_decl| |lbrace| |int_like| |decl| F = E* | in| | in| &
main (
av) &int
ac; & |exp| |unop| & |exp| & |x++| & |exp| |binop| |unorbinop| |exp| & |exp| & |x/y| |x+y| & |exp| |comma| |exp| & |exp| EC | opt| 9 E& |f(x,y)| & |exp| |exp| |cast| & |exp| & |time()| & |exp| |semi| & |stmt| & |x=0;| & |exp| |colon| & |tag| E*C & |found:| & |exp| |base| |int_like| |comma| & |base| B&̇nbsp;IC |opt|9 & &D : &C, & |exp| |base| |int_like| |lbrace| & |exp| |lbrace| E = E&̇nbsp;B&̇nbsp;I & &D : &C { & |exp| |rbrace| & |stmt| |rbrace| & end of &enum list & |lpar| |exp| |unorbinop| |rpar| & |exp| & |(x)| |(*)| & |lpar| |rpar| & |exp| L˙
, R & functions, declarations & |lpar| |decl_head| |int_like| |rpar| & |cast| & |(char*)| & |lpar| |decl_head| |int_like| |exp| |comma| & |lpar| L D I E C |opt|9 & |(int,| & |lpar| |stmt| |decl| & |lpar| LS&̇nbsp; LD&̇nbsp; & |(k=5;| |(int k=5;| & |question| |exp| |colon| & |binop| & |?x:| & |unop| |exp| |int_like| & |exp| |int_like| & |!x| | |&C & |unorbinop| |exp| |int_like| & |exp| |int_like| İ<>U˙E & |*x| & |unorbinop| |binop| & |binop| | mathrelUİ<>B˙}̇ & |*=| & |binop| |binop| & |binop| | mathrel| İ<>B1˙İ<>B2˙}̇ & |»=| & |cast| |exp| & |exp| C&̇nbsp;E & |(double)x| & |cast| |semi| & |exp| |semi| & |(int);| & |sizeof_like| |cast| & |exp| & |sizeof (double)| & |sizeof_like| |exp| & |exp| S&̇nbsp;E & |sizeof x| & |int_like| |int_like| |struct_like| & |int_like| |struct_like| I&̇nbsp;I S & |extern char| & |int_like| |exp| |raw_int| |struct_like| & |int_like| |int_like| |struct_like| & |extern "Ada" int| & |int_like| |exp| |unorbinop| |semi| & |decl_head| |exp| |unorbinop| |semi| D = I˙ ˙ & |int x| & |int_like| |colon| & |decl_head| |colon| D = I&̇nbsp; & |unsigned:| & |int_like| |prelangle| & |int_like| |langle| & &C〈 & |int_like| |colcol| |exp| |int_like| & |exp| |int_like| & &Cx &C&B & |int_like| |cast| |lbrace| & |fn_decl| |lbrace| IC | in| | in|& &C 〈&void * 〉{ & |int_like| |cast| & |int_like| & &C 〈&class &T〉 & |decl_head| |comma| & |decl_head| DC&̇nbsp; & |int x,| & |decl_head| |unorbinop| & |decl_head| Dİ<>U˙ & |int *| \dagby1 & |decl_head| |exp| & |decl_head| DE* & |int x| & |decl_head| |binop| |colon| |exp| |comma| |semi| |rpar| & |decl_head| |comma| |semi| |rpar| D = DB C E & initialization fields or default argument & |decl_head| |cast| & |decl_head| & |int f(int)| \dagby1 & |decl_head| |int_like| |lbrace| |decl| & |fn_decl| |int_like| |lbrace| |decl| F = D | in| | in| & |long time () | & |decl_head| |semi| & |decl| & |int n;| & |decl| |decl| & |decl| D | forceD & |int n;double x;| & |decl| |stmt| |function| & |stmt| |function| D | bigforceS F & &extern n;
main ()|| \dagby1 & |typedef_like| |decl_head| |exp| |int_like| & |typedef_like| |decl_head| D = DE** I** & &typedef &char &ch; & |typedef_like| |decl_head| |semi| & |decl| T&̇nbsp;D & &typedef &int &x,&y; & |struct_like| |lbrace| & |struct_head| S&̇nbsp;L & |struct | & |struct_like| |exp| |int_like| |semi| & |decl_head| S&̇nbsp;E** I** & &struct &forward; & |struct_like| |exp| |int_like| |lbrace| & |struct_head| S&̇nbsp;E** I** &̇nbsp;L & &struct &name_info { & |struct_like| |exp| |int_like| |colon| & |struct_like| |exp| |int_like| |base| & |class| &C : \dagby1 & |struct_like| |exp| |int_like| & |int_like| S&̇nbsp;E I & &struct &name_info z; & |struct_head| |decl| |stmt| |function| |rbrace| & |int_like| S 
in | forceD 
out | forceR & |struct | declaration || & |struct_head| |rbrace| & |int_like|S˙
, R & |class C| & |fn_decl| |decl| & |fn_decl| F | forceD & f (z) &double z; & |fn_decl| |stmt| & |function| F | out| | out| | forceS &
main() ... & |function| |stmt| |decl| |function| & |stmt| |decl| |function| F | bigforceS D F & outer block & |lbrace| |rbrace| & |stmt| L˙
, R & empty statement 35pt & |lbrace| |stmt| |decl| |function| |rbrace| & |stmt| | forceL 
in | forceS | force
back R 
out | force| & compound statement -20pt & |lbrace| |exp| [|comma|] |rbrace| & |exp| & initializer & |if_like| |exp| & |if_clause| I&̇nbsp;E & |if (z)| & |for_like| |exp| & |else_like| F&̇nbsp;E & |while (1)| & |else_like| |lbrace| & |else_head| |lbrace| & &else { & |else_like| |stmt| & |stmt| | forceE 
bsp S 
out | force| & |else x=0;| & |else_head| |stmt| |exp| & |stmt| | forceE 
bsp | noop| | cancelS 
bsp & |elsex=0;| & |if_clause| |lbrace| & |if_head| |lbrace| & |if (x) | & |if_clause| |stmt| |else_like| |if_like| & |if_like| | forceI 
bsp S 
out | forceE &̇nbsp;I & |if (x) y; else if| & |if_clause| |stmt| |else_like| & |else_like| | forceI 
bsp S 
out | forceE & |if (x) y; else| & |if_clause| |stmt| & |else_like| |stmt| & |if (x)| & |if_head| |stmt| |exp| |else_like| |if_like| & |if_like| | forceI 
bsp | noop| | cancelS | forceE &̇nbsp;I & |if (x)y;else if| & |if_head| |stmt| |exp| |else_like| & |else_like| | forceI 
bsp | noop| | cancelS | forceE & |if (x)y;else| & |if_head| |stmt| |exp| & |else_head| |stmt| |exp| & |if (x)y;| 20pt & |do_like| |stmt| |else_like| |semi| & |stmt| D 
bsp | noop| | cancelS | cancel| | noop
bsp ES& |do f(x); while (g(x));| -20pt & |case_like| |semi| & |stmt| & |return;| & |case_like| |colon| & |tag| & |default:| & |case_like| |exp| |semi| & |stmt| C&̇nbsp;ES & |return 0;| & |case_like| |exp| |colon| & |tag| C&̇nbsp;EC & |case 0:| & |tag| |tag| & |tag| T1 
bsp T2 & |case 0: case 1:| & |tag| |stmt| |decl| |function| & |stmt| |decl| |function| | force
back T 
bsp S & |case 0: z=0;| \dagby1 & |stmt| |stmt| |decl| |function| & |stmt| |decl| |function| S  | forceS | bigforceD | bigforceF & |x=1;y=2;| & |semi| & |stmt| ˙ S& empty statement \dagby1 & |lproc| |if_like| |else_like| |define_like| & |lproc| & #include #else #define & |lproc| |rproc| & |insert| & #endif & |lproc| |exp| [|exp|] |function| |rproc| & |insert| I˙ E[&̇nbsp;
5E] F & #define a 1 #define a b; } & |section_scrap| |semi| & |stmt|MS |force| &〈 section name 〉; & |section_scrap| & |exp| &〈 section name 〉 & |insert| |any| & |any| & &̇#124;#include| & |prelangle| & |binop| < & < not in template & |prerangle| & |binop| > & > not in template & |langle| |exp| |prerangle| & |cast| & 〈 0 〉 & |langle| |prerangle| & |cast| L˙
, P & 〈 〉 & |langle| |decl_head| |int_like| |prerangle| & |cast| & 〈&class &C〉 & |langle| |decl_head| |int_like| |comma| & |langle| L D I C |opt|9 & 〈&class &C, & |public_like| |colon| & |tag| & &private: & |public_like| & |int_like| & &private & |colcol| |exp| |int_like| & |exp| |int_like| & |::x| \dagby1 & |new_like| |exp| |raw_int| & |new_like| N&̇nbsp;E & |new(1)| & |new_like| |raw_unorbin| |colcol| & |new_like| & |new ::*| & |new_like| |cast| & |exp| & |new(*)| \dagby1 & |new_like| & |exp| & |new| \dagby1 & |operator_like| |binop| |unop| |unorbinop| & |exp| O˙{B U U˙} & |operator+| & |operator_like| |new_like| |sizeof_like| & |exp| O&̇nbsp;N & |operator delete| & |operator_like| & |new_like| & conversion operator & |catch_like| |cast| |exp| & |fn_decl| CE 
in & |catch (...)| & |base| |public_like| |exp| |comma| & |base| BP&̇nbsp;EC & : &public a, & |base| |public_like| |exp| & |base| |int_like| I = P&̇nbsp;E & : &public a & |raw_rpar| |const_like| & |raw_rpar| R&̇nbsp;C & ) &const; & |raw_rpar| & |rpar| & ); & |raw_unorbin| |const_like| & |raw_unorbin| RC & *&const |x| & |raw_unorbin| & |unorbinop| & * |x| & |const_like| & |int_like| & &const |x| & |raw_int| |lpar| & |exp| & &complex(x, y) & |raw_int| & |int_like| & &complex |z| & |begin_arg| |end_arg| & |exp| & @̇@[&char*@̇@] & |any_other| |end_arg| & |end_arg| & &char*@̇@] \dagNotes Rule 35: The |exp| must not be immediately followed by |lpar| or |exp|.

Rule 38: The |int_like| must not be immediately followed by |colcol|.

Rule 42: The |exp| must not be immediately followed by |lpar| or |exp|.

Rule 48: The |exp| or |int_like| must not be immediately followed by |base|.

Rule 76: The |force| in the |stmt| line becomes
bsp if ĊWEAVE has been invoked with the -̇f option.

Rule 78: The |define_like| case calls |make_underlined| on the following scrap.

Rule 93: The |raw_int| must not be immediately followed by |prelangle| or |langle|.

Rule 96: The |new_like| must not be immediately followed by |lpar|, |raw_int|, or |struct_like|.

Rule 97: The operator after |operator_like| must not be immediately followed by a |binop|.